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Detachable collars

Play-it-safers, hear us out—detachable collars have been a quirky accessory of choice for bloggers

Amazon Hair Treatment

Amazon Brazilian Treatment combines the purity of nature with a technological breakthrough, creating this unique Steam Free hair treatment.

This exclusive formula blends the powerful antioxidant Organic Açai with the hydrating reconstructive properties of Brazilian Nut Oil, making your hair shiny, silky and manageable.

We highly recommend this Keratin Treatment for people with damaged, frizzy or over voluminous hair. Call for Consultation 22620699-Mob 60062584

New trend

When it comes to photography, the world seems divided into two categories: Nikon and Canon fans. The designers at Photojojo say they got the idea for such a product in a restaurant where they were served drinks in a cup that reminded them of a photo camera.